Youth Europe Service was born in January 1999.

Y.E.S. is a no profit association that wants to realize, in the social and environmental field:
• Integration of people with disabilities or disadvantaged
• Migrants and refugees
• Mutual knowledge between people, to develop solidarity and assert the principle of civil living together
• Knowledge and protection of the historical, cultural, artistic patrimony
• Development of the social, cultural and sports activities to create a European nationality
• Promotion of annual events among its members, activities such as giving information, realization of exchanges and voluntary services, organization of cultural events
• Development of new entrepreneurs & job opportunities
• Activities and initiatives in tourism development and promotion.

It organizes:
• training courses & workshops for young a& adults
• information points for young and adults
• social, cultural, educational, sports activities, for the knowledge of art, culture, music, etc.
• campaigns for peace, brotherhood and solidarity
• activities for the progress of the EU
• initiatives to promote the development of job opportunities
• activities to protect nature, environment
• activities of realization of didactical material
• activities of cooperation with Institutions and Organizations, having the same principles.

It is registered in the Regional Register of the Associations and it is member of the followingnetworks:
– The Youth European Network
– European Ecotourism Network
– Europemobility Network.

It is the promoter of the European Network named E.N.L.T. – EUROPEAN NETWORK OF LOCAL TOURISM and it was also (till November 2008) part of the network C.T.S. (CENTRE OF TOURISM FOR STUDENTS). It was recognized by Presidency of Minister’s Council as Organization of National Civil Service. It has realized more than 40 European project in the following programmes: Youth, Socrates, Grundtivg, Leonardo, LLP, etc. The association provides a stable and highly qualified structure for management / implementation of seminars / conferences / training courses / labs / workshops / etc. by various and several skills: its structure, with a system of high competences, ensures an always consistent management of activities with the first declared objectives in a general framework of quality of actions.

Y.E.S. is coordinating already several projects with a large number of partners. In 2012 the LLP Grundtvig Learning Partnership titled “Edu-Mont” in which Youth Europe Service was one of the partners was awarded as STAR PROJECT by the LLP Romanian National Agency. Y.E.S. received 2 “STAR PROJECT” prizes by Italian National Agency in
• 2013 for the LLP Grundtvig partnership project” Sustainable Educational Approaches to Landscape”
• 2014 for the LLP Grundtvig partnership project “We Share”.

The project CREATUSE, coordinated by YOUTH EUROPE SERVICE, was recently awarded by Italian National Agency INDIRE as BEST PRACTICSE in Erasmus Plus program.