E-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL GROUP has been founded and is operating since September 2003.
ESCHOOL has a multitude of cooperating organizations through Greece, in many fields of expertise. E-SCHOOL’s base is the city of Karditsa, but can organize training and learning seminars and projects in various other cities as well, such as Patra, Athens, Trikala, Larisa, Volos, Ioannina, Thessaloniki etc. We have worked with most known organizations of knowledge accreditation in Greece (ECDL, ICT, ACTA, GLOBALCERT, UNICERT).
Our organization often has a social aspect, by participating in public events and contributing by providing seminars to people with special needs. Since 2007 we have specialized on training disabled people with the use of computers and other tools, and we have organized training seminars for the disabled on the usage of the new technologies etc. Since 2010 we have entered the field of language studies, creating a Center for Foreign Languages specialized on adult education and leading to official accreditation exams. We have run classrooms for English, Italian & Russian, and we are planning to expand to more even more languages. We have developed the e-mathima.gr website, which includes an e-learning platform, allowing both synchronous and asynchronous learning. An important milestone of our course was our certification from the National Agency of Qualification Accreditation and Business Orientation (EOPPEP) as a Life Long Learning Center since 2014, ID 2000112. Our facilities sport over 400 square meters in the very center of Karditsa.
In the past 5 years, we have trained over 1000 unemployed individuals via the «Voucher for Entry to the Labor Market» programs, and over 3000 more trainees in our various seminars. These programs, aside from the theoretical Training included career consulting services for the unemployed as well as hands-on training as interns in private sector stakeholders. A substantial percentage of them have now found employment in the same or similar companies. The career consulting services, matchmaking with companies and intern positions and relevant after-matching services are performed by permanent experienced personnel of our LLLC. Nowadays aside from the two owners,
E-SCHOOL is manned with four permanent managerial staff, 3 permanent external partners and over 50 teachers, as the circumstances dictate. Our vision is to provide quality education and accreditation on the subjects we deal in and be a truly multipurpose EDUCATIONAL GROUP that will provide high quality and modern LIFE LONG LEARNING and KNOWLEDGE ACCREDITATION. Towards this goal, we have started partnerships throughout Greece with like-minded LLLCs to exchange information and good practices and training methods, with ultimate goal the qualitative growth of the participant Centers regarding their training and educational services. Our co-operations within Greece include and are not limited to:
– LLLC «EUROPROODOS» in Athens and Larisa
– LLLC «PAIDIA» in Patra
– LLLC «KS-STUDIES» in Volos.
At the same time, we have started to provide career consulting services, made able through our cooperation with various universities abroad, such as:
– Frederic in Nicosia, Cyprus
-UniversitateaPolitechnica in Bucuresti, Romania
as well as other institutions, which provide university education, either by attendance or via distance learning. E-SCHOOL is dedicated in supporting innovation through providing relevant, scientific and high quality:
– Technical consulting services
– Training and research services.